7 Epic Beach Quotes to Celebrate the New Year

7 Epic Beach Quotes to Celebrate the New Year 

It's time to ring in the New Year!! That means that most people will be making resolutions and setting new goals. As the old year is left behind, the new year expands horizon the horizon, like the ocean reaches for the rising sun. As the New Year dawns, set your heart and mind on the beach, and her many wonders. Topsail Island, a quiet and tranquil slice of paradise, is just waiting to be discovered. Find yourself focused on the epic beach adventure of your dreams, or the much needed refreshing getaway to the salt & surf of eastern North Carolina.

Don't let the winter blues get you down. Instead, resolve to spend your beach vacation, basking in the sun at Topsail Island....and SeaShore Realty can help. Affordable, easily accessible, and always beautiful, our pristine coast will make the perfect destination for your next beach vacation. Here are 7 epic beach quotes to help you celebrate the New Year! May 2017 be your best beach year yet! 

New Beginning 

1.  As the sun rises up over the blue Atlantic, remember that each new day offers a fresh new start. Write you worries in the sand, and let the waves wash those concerns away! Let new light shine on your new year!

 Love Life

2.  What's not to love. Love your life, and it will treat you well. Love the beach...and the sun will kiss your face, the salty surf will drown your sorrows, and the sand will guide you down the right path!

May Your Joy be Deep 

3.  In the New Year, choose JOY!! May you find JOY as deep as the ocean!

Salt Water Heals Everything 

4.  The doctor called, he prescribed an extra large dose of salt water, sandy beaches, and warm sunshine!

Go With the Flow 

5.  It's so easy to be all tangled up in the nets of life! Cut loose, and go with the flow!


 6.  5, 4, 3, 2, 1....Happy Beach Time!! It isn't too early to book your next Topsail getaway! SeaShore Realty is here to help your beach vacation rental dreams come true.


7.  We hope that your travels will lead you to Topsail Island! You won't regret it!!

With the New Year, comes endless opportunities to reach for your goals. Set your sights on a Topsail Island getaway that will refresh your soul, and restore some peace of mind. Our gorgeous Topsail Island is the perfect place to escape from the Winter, celebrate the Spring, soak up the Summer, or cozy up to the Fall. Year-round, you are invited to kick-back and relax with us....in Topsail!

Looking for a little more inspiration? Here are a few more quotes to help you fall in love with the idea of a beach vacation!!

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